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Our Values

Our values are based upon developing healthy non-toxic relationships with each other and God. Being thoughtful and mindful of the special moments

we can enjoy in His presence when separated from life's busyness.

We together honour . . .


  • The Cross of Calvary


  • His Presence and Grace


  • Christ our head


  • Our union in Christ.


  • Love and acceptance.

  • Our oneness, equality and diversity in Christ.


  • Speaking truth in love.

  • Open and transparent fellowship and communication.


  • Our freedom in Christ.

  • Our creative expression and His masterpiece in each of us.


Colossians 1:28-29 TPT

Christ is our message! We preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full understanding of truth. It has become my inspiration and passion in ministry to labor with a tireless intensity, with his power flowing through me, to present to every believer the revelation of being his perfect one in Jesus Christ.


Waiara Core Values . . .

Kia Kotahi Tātou - We Are One


Whanaungatanga - Relationship

This is kinship and family connection through shared experiences and working together, which provides people with a sense of belonging. For us this begins with our personal and meaningful love relationship with the Trinity and our relationships with the people around us.


Kotahitanga - Unity

At our core are togetherness, unity and solidarity. One people, one waka in mystical union with Christ.  This is about being unified and lifting each other up in community while embracing the diversity that we each have as we find new strength together.  Our unity, togetherness, solidarity is at our core. One people, one Waka in mystical union with Christ. Embracing our diversity and finding new strength together.


Manaakitanga - Love and Care for One Another and Our Neighbours 

It is about caring and being thoughtful about people, uplifting and supporting them, so they feel at home and loved. It is about sharing our love and is reciprocity of kindness, respect and humanity. Being a hands on expression of God’s agape love to the people and community around us and each other.



Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship, Protection and Sonship

It is about caring for the entrustments God has given us, our environment, the whenua/land and vision. It's about seeking to live sustainably with each other and the world around us. Not striving or pushing, but resting and flowing with the rhythms of His grace. It is about stewarding and protecting the blessings and treasures given to us. If we know our entrustment we won’t be enticed away from destiny and calling. This is part of our true expression of Sonship on earth, moving in gentle but purposeful authority and stewardship in Christ.



Colossians 4:5 TPT

Walk in the wisdom of God as you live before the unbelievers, and make it your duty to make him known. Let every word you speak be drenched with grace and tempered with truth and clarity. For then you will be prepared to give a respectful answer to anyone who asks about your faith.

Some thinking points behind our values . . .


  • Gods kids are a mosaic of broken pieces joined together to become His Masterpiece


  • A Friend is one who overlooks the broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden


  • There is always a higher level of truth than the facts. This is the difference between that which is true and that which is the truth. This plays out for ourselves and others.

​       Speaking the truth in love is not stating someones shortcomings as nicely

       as possible because that is not the truth. That is only true. But the truth is,

       “ This is who you are in Jesus…”

  • Act in such a manner that you are living proof of a Loving God.


  • "When we are speaking the truth in love, we are not putting someone down nicely—we are elevating someone brilliantly". 

       Graham Cooke


  • "We can never be moved away from our glorious Head, Jesus Christ! To see him is to see the fullness of the Father and the fullness of the Holy Spirit". 

       Brian Simmons

  • "Sonship is the ability to receive divine love perfectly and to give perfect expression to divine love. To the degree that we are persuaded of our Sonship we are empowered to bring Heaven to Earth".  

       Benji Alexander

  • "Life for us is not made of years it is filled with moments".

       Ray Hughes

  • "Many are still looking for Him not at Him".

       Rick Joyner​

Something we hold warmly in our hearts . . .


The Monks Manifesto

  • I commit to finding moments each day for silence and solitude, to make space for another voice to be heard, and to resist a culture of noise and constant stimulation.

  • I commit to radical acts of hospitality by welcoming the stranger both without and within. I recognize that when I make space inside my heart for the unclaimed parts of myself, I cultivate compassion and the ability to accept those places in others.

  • I commit to cultivating community by finding kindred spirits along the path, soul friends with whom I can share my deepest longings, and mentors who can offer guidance and wisdom for the journey.

  • I commit to cultivating awareness of my kinship with creation and a healthy asceticism by discerning my use of energy and things, letting go of what does not help nature to flourish.

  • I commit to bringing myself fully present to the work I do, whether paid or unpaid, holding a heart of gratitude for the ability to express my gifts in the world in meaningful ways.

  • I commit to rhythms of rest and renewal through the regular practice of Sabbath and resist a culture of busyness that measures my worth by what I do.

  • I commit to a lifetime of ongoing conversion and transformation, recognizing that I am always on a journey with both gifts and limitations.

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